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Kathy Stewart

Our friend, neighbor, and new leader for Lake Highlands on the Dallas City Council, D10

Letter From Kathy

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am excited to announce that I am running for re-election as your D10 City Council Member! These past eighteen months of serving our City as your Council Member have flown by. It has been an honor representing District 10 at weekly City Council meetings and monthly committee meetings as well as events like the groundbreaking for the Cotton Bowl renovations, the new Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center and the new Children’s Medical Center. The work of the Council on the 2024 Bond package and the Charter amendments as well as these groundbreaking events reflect the growth and bright future of Dallas. Yes, we are facing challenges, but Dallas is also thriving.

Looking back on my first term, I’m proud of the progress we’ve made together. We secured 2024 Bond funds for D10 to improve our parks and streets. Fighting and preventing crime by identifying and funding locations for 22 new Flock safety cameras that operate day and night. Following the devastating May 2024 storm, I worked with neighbors to get critical information to Oncor to speed up recovery efforts. These wins are a testament to what we can accomplish when we work together.

Looking ahead, there is still much to be done. Planning and design are underway for the Skillman Corridor Master Plan, which will bring vital safety improvements and beautification to our “Main Street”. We also need to reduce speeding on all major corridors. Early conversations are in progress with stakeholders to establish a Public Improvement District for Forest Lane and develop an area plan for the LBJ Corridor. These initiatives will lay the foundation for a stronger, safer and a more vibrant District 10.

I ask for your support of my campaign and for your help in spreading the word about the progress we are making in District 10. Together, we can continue to build on our success and bring a brighter future throughout the District!

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Kathy's Resume

Learn more about Kathy's experience in law, nonprofits, ownership in small businesses, and more. 

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Leadership In The Community

Serving On City Council:

  • Parks, Trails and the Environment (Chair)

  • Public Safety ( Vice Chair)

  • Transportation and Infrastructure

  • Economic Development

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Affairs

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Legislative Affairs

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Pension

Serving Our Community:

  • Sustainer member of Lake Highlands Women’s League; Chaired Home Tour Luncheon 2010 and Chair of Disbursements 2016.

  • Elder at NorthPark Presbyterian Church; 2022-2024. Chairman of Stewardship & Administration Committee; 2021-2022.

  • Southwest Diabetic Association, Camp Sweeney, Board of Directors July 2016 to present.

  • President of White Rock Valley Neighborhood Association 2005-2008 and 2013-2014.​

• Raised over $100,000 in 2012 and again in 2013 as Chair of the Steering Committee for Wild for Cats, the LHHS/RISD Foundation supporting the College and Career Center at LHHS. • LHHS PTA President 2010/2011; LHJH PTA President 2003/2004; White Rock Elementary PTA President 2001/2002; 2002/2003. • Texas Parents Association, Advisory Board 2012 to 2017, Executive Board 2014 to 2017. • Represented LHAIA and LH community on the Advisory Committee for LBJ/Skillman Urban Planning Initiative.


Former D10 Councilmember  Adam McGough

Former D10 Councilmember Jerry Allen

Former D10 Councilmember Alan Walne

Former D10 Councilmember Donna Halstead

Former RISD President of the Board of Trustees, Karen Clardy

Former Dallas Councilmember Mary Poss

Former Dallas Councilmember Harriett Miers

Public Officials

Neighborhood Supporters

Jim and Kathy Adams

Chris and Susan Arends

Mike and Jo Baggett

Jeri Baker

Keith and Paula Beasley

Chris and Jill Bellew

Bonnie Blackman

Kevin & Julie Bonahoom

Justin and Debbie Bono

Scott & Sylvia Bodell

Mike and Jana Boswell

Carese Bott

Bill & Jessamy Boyd

David & Lisa Briggs

Kile and Leigh Ann Brown

Bambi Byars

Cole and Mary Claire Carrick

Bonnie Cavin

Bob and Donna Chereck

Bill Cherry

Roger and Patti Clapp

Kelly and Robin Crawford

Ken and Rhonda Coutant

Patrick and Melanie Cowlishaw

Steve and Cecelia Cox

Tracy and Tina Cox

Phil and Marilyn Daily

Greg and Susie Dale

Luke and Paula Davis

John and Anna Dean

Jason and Elizabeth Fenimore

Glenda Gerteisen

Scott and Samantha Goldstein

Claudia Goode

Wade and Allison Griffin

Fred Halstead

Steve and Melanie Hedrick

C.P. Henry and Janice Tomlin

Kevin and Tara Hickman

Tip and Lana Housewright

Jeffrey Huebner

Ken and Paula Hughes

Taler Jefferson

Kregg and Julie Jodie

Scott and Lisa Johnson

Chris and Kelly Klemme

Jim and Cinda Koch

Larry and Lane Lauck

Larry and Alison Lee

Jane McCurdy

Brad and Goodwin McCutcheon

Lacy McGough

Barkley and Glenda Miller

Tom and Susan Morgan

A.L. and Linda Nickerson

John and Ronda Flinn Nix

Lane and Lisa Ogden

Joan Patmore

Douglas Potts

Doug and Nancy Rabe

Gina Riley

Mike Rosamond

Max and Trudy Sanders

John and Angela Shellane

Stuart and Lisa Sides

Rolf and Anita Siegers

Bervin Smith

Kyle and Karyn Smith

Mitchell Stein

Art and Ann Villasana

Joan Walne

Byron and Cindy Woolley

Colton and Dori Wright

Alan and Cheryl Zreet

  • Facebook

Paid For By Campaign for Kathy Stewart , P.O. Box 550881, Dallas, TX 75355, Kevin Hickman, Treasurer.

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